Unlock The Secret To Attracting A Stampede Of Leads As A Real Estate Agent - Guaranteed

Dear Friend,

If you're the type of person that likes to get to the end result faster, this is for you. ✅

People spend years banging their head against the wall trying to make money as a Real Estate Agent and the truth is, they're not successful because they don't have a reliable system for getting leads. 🚩

That's why I created the #1 Real Estate training program for getting leads with Youtube currently available, The Passive Prospecting Course. 🎙️

I created it to help you visually understand how to win in this game... without cold calling, spending money on ads or sending direct mail.

When you try The Passive Prospecting Course, I guarantee you'll see results... as long as you actually implement what I show you.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend like this is a cheap course for you to try. 🗞️

It is not. 💸💵💰

It's why I'm making you read this page versus relying on your impulses to have you purchase.

See, this isn't an "impulse buy". It's a Ritz Carlton experience versus a Motel 8.

And that's what you'll get if you try the course... Ritz Carlton style money and results. Just like Travis and I did when we made $100,000 in 100 days... and over $2,000,000 per year in commissions since then. 📈

We did this without making a single cold call, sending any postcards or spending thousands on ads. 😱🧑‍💻

It was all because we followed a proven process that creates consistent results where high quality leads come to us. 💎

What's included?

This course is broken down into 8 modules....

What's Included

  • Module 1 - START HERE!

  • Module 2 - Why YouTube Matters

  • Module 3 - Content Research & Creation Strategies

  • Module 4 - Video Flow Blueprint

  • Module 5 - Full Channel Build Out

  • Module 6 - How To Make Videos

  • Module 7 - Full Channel Optimization

  • Module 8 - Systems, Scaling and Automation

  • Done-For-You Services

  • Support & Resources


  • Course Overview

  • Intro To Module 1

  • Who Are We?

  • What Will You Learn In This Course?

  • 2022 YouTube Updates

  • Lev's Story

  • Why YouTube Is So Powerful For Real Estate Agents


  • Course Overview

  • Intro To Module 1

  • Who Are We?

  • What Will You Learn In This Course?

  • 2022 YouTube Updates

  • Lev's Story

  • Why YouTube Is So Powerful For Real Estate Agents

Why YouTube Matters

  • Introduction To Module 2

  • Why YouTube?!

  • Who Are We?

  • Compounding Time

  • Clients WANT To Work With Us!

  • Clients Call Us! 100% Inbounds!

Why YouTube Matters

  • Introduction To Module 2

  • Why YouTube?!

  • Who Are We?

  • Compounding Time

  • Clients WANT To Work With Us!

  • Clients Call Us! 100% Inbounds!

Content Research & Creation Strategies

  • Introduction To Module 3

  • Creating A Brand Account On YouTube

  • Content Research And Creation

Content Research

& Creation Strategies

  • Introduction To Module 3

  • Creating A Brand Account On YouTube

  • Content Research And Creation

Video Flow Blueprint

  • Video Flow So Short

  • Scripts That Get Clicks!

  • Who Are We?

  • Full Video Content Creation Strategy

Video Flow Blueprint

  • Video Flow So Short

  • Scripts That Get Clicks!

  • Who Are We?

  • Full Video Content Creation Strategy

Full Channel Build Out

  • Full Channel Build Out

  • Channel Customazation

  • Channel Settings

Full Channel Build Out

  • Full Channel Build Out

  • Channel Customazation

  • Channel Settings

How To Make Videos

  • Office Video - iPhone Style

  • Office Video - Professional Style

  • FINISHED iPhone Version

  • How To Make A Neighborhood Vlog

  • How To Do A Google Map Video

  • How To Create A Listing Video

  • The Upload Process On YouTube

How To Make Videos

  • Office Video - iPhone Style

  • Office Video - Professional Style

  • FINISHED iPhone Version

  • How To Make A Neighborhood Vlog

  • How To Do A Google Map Video

  • How To Create A Listing Video

  • The Upload Process On YouTube

Full Channel Optimization

  • Module 7 Intro

  • Full Video Optimization

  • Adding Chapters To Your Videos

  • Designing Thumbnails

Full Channel Optimization

  • Module 7 Intro

  • Full Video Optimization

  • Adding Chapters To Your Videos

  • Designing Thumbnails

Systems, Scaling And Automation

  • CRM Tutorial

  • CRM Overview

  • How To Connect A Phone Number To Your CRM

  • Congratulations - Modules Complete!

Systems, Scaling And Automation

  • CRM Tutorial

  • CRM Overview

  • How To Connect A Phone Number To Your CRM

  • Congratulations - Modules Complete!

Bonus Material

  • Trainings

  • TubeBuddy A/B Testing

  • Photoshop Thumbnails

  • Getting Started On Pinterest

  • Building A WordPress Website

  • Optimizing Google My Business

  • How To Use Trello

  • Trello Automations And Triggers

  • YouTube Short Strategy

  • Using The Google Maps App

Bonus Material

  • Trainings

  • TubeBuddy A/B Testing

  • Photoshop Thumbnails

  • Getting Started On Pinterest

  • Building A WordPress Website

  • Optimizing Google My Business

  • How To Use Trello

  • Trello Automations And Triggers

  • YouTube Short Strategy

  • Using The Google Maps App

Done-For-You Services

  • Done-For-You Video Editing

  • Done-For-You Website Build

Done-For-You Services

  • Done-For-You Video Editing

  • Done-For-You Website Build

You'll Also Be Shown...

  • Proven SEO and Optimization Mastery - Dominate the search engines using these simple, beginner friendly techniques

  • Top Videos to Shoot for Highest Conversion → Discover the Exact Videos to Shoot (This is KEY! It's Nothing Like What You Have Ever Seen Before)

  • Surprising Results → Discover Our Highest Converting Youtube Videos

  • Secret Content Research & Creations Strategies → Uncover Our Exact Content Research and Content Creations Strategies That Will Have Your Phone Ringing CONSISTENTLY!

  • ​FREE Leads → How to build a completely FREE marketing campaign that produces hundreds of motivated buyers

  • Video Flow and Sequence → This makes it super easy to shoot your content (even with zero experience).

  • ​And much, much more!

What other agents are saying...

As you can see, Preston got his first Youtube call in less than 2 months and has only 31 subscribers.

Kyler closed 4 deals so far out of 75 YouTube leads (not too shabby).And Meredith got 2 calls after posting only 4 videos.  

She just needed to follow our proven formula otherwise she'd be stuck making videos and not getting results.

So what's the next step?

If you and I could trade places, would you do it?

You take my $2,000,000 per year Real Estate business and I take yours?

You get all the systems, automations, and even more importantly, my most closely guarded secrets on youtube lead generation.

How much would it be worth to you?

Well, it would be worth at least $2,000,000 per year.

Now obviously, you're not investing anywhere.near that amount today.

In fact, you won't even need to pay $100,000... $50,000... or $25,000.

Heck, I've been told I shouldn't offer this for less than $10,000 but instead, you'll get a STEEP DISCOUNT (if my team thinks you’re a good fit for the program).

Just pick a time to apply by clicking the button on this page.

And yes… you DO have to apply.

We don’t just accept anyone into our inner circles. We want a tight knit community of like minded winners.

So if you don't seem like a good fit, we’ll politely let you know and help you in some other way that might be a better fit.

Click the button below now and get started today.

I promise, six months from now, you'll thank yourself for taking this small leap of faith and getting the guidance you need to finally succeed at a higher level in the Real Estate game.

To Your Real Estate Success,

Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb

About Levi & Travis

Levi Lascsak released his first YouTube video on December 5th, 2020 as a brand new real estate agent. He had not sold a home in 2020 or the first quarter of 2021. Levi partnered with Travis Plumb and they closed their first 2 transactions from the channel in April 2021. In the last nine months of 2021, their first full year in real estate, they closed 64 transactions, $33.5M in volume, and just over $1M in commissions. In their second year (2022), they closed 154 transactions, $86.2M in volume, and $2.3M in commissions. All organic with zero ad spend. They now own the fastest growing and most viewed real estate YouTube channel in Dallas Texas and generate 3-5 inbound leads per day.

Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb have much in common beyond achieving breakout success together in Dallas real estate by following the passive prospecting process they developed.

Both were raised in small Texas towns. Levi grew up in Stephenville, a country town about one hundred miles south of Dallas—a town, he jokes, where there’s not much to do besides milk cows, ride bulls, and play high school football, as he did, under the Friday night lights. Travis was raised by adoptive parents in Mesquite, about fourteen miles east of Dallas, where he played soccer and ice hockey growing up. (That’s right, ice hockey in Texas!)

Both are combat veterans of the war in Iraq, where Levi served for a year as an Army sergeant and Travis for two ten-month tours as a Navy Seabee.

Both ran gun trucks that provided base camp security and conducted patrols. Levi’s duties also included serving in a quick reaction force, while Travis’s responsibilities included protecting the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy during their visits to Iraq.

Both experienced physical and emotional challenges in the years after their military service. Levi returned home with a digestive disorder, which led to the loss of fifty pounds in one month in 2013, leaving him bedridden and disabled. Traditional treatments prescribed by a series of four gastrointestinal doctors failed to turn things around, and he credits God’s grace for leading him to a natural doctor who changed his diet and added supplements that gradually led him back to good health. For Travis, the darkest days involved his mental health, coming in 2018 after a partner embezzled money from their business and left him broke, with one young daughter, Lilah, in the house and another, Scarlett, on the way, unable even to put Christmas presents under the tree. He awoke one morning, lost in self-destructive thoughts, before realizing that Lilah was lying next to him in bed. It was a turning point. “What am I doing?” he said to himself. “Get up and get to work—and thank God for everything you do have.”

Both experienced a series of business successes, due to their determined effort and sales and marketing skills, as well as failures due to forces beyond their control, from partners who proved untrustworthy to health issues and COVID-19. Levi’s business experiences included pharmaceutical sales and financial services; Travis’s included car sales and digital marketing. It was hard work, and sustained success eluded them. Both still loved sales—but they hated prospecting.

Levi and Travis met in the fall of 2020 at the house of a mutual friend, Michael Reese. They soon realized they shared one more thing: a determination to take control of their own futures by building a different kind of real estate business, based on the principles of passive prospecting. Their partnership—along with their friendship and their business—have all flourished.

Elevate Your Life, Unleash Your Potential, Join Our Community Today.


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